To Protect and Serve
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Services & Programs

Community policing is emphasized by the conscience effort of our officers to engage with residents consistently. The main goal of community policing is to create a safer and happier community for all and to build the best community possible.



School Resource Officer

The Topsfield Police Department is pleased to have Detective Sergeant Brendan Gahagan as our School Resource Officer at Masconomet Regional High & Middle Schools. Captain Dan Bell also serves as the D.A.R.E. Officer for Steward and Proctor Schools. Captain Bell and Detective Sergeant Gahagan work in collaboration with our school systems and the Topsfield Police Department and are able to reach out to the younger citizens that make up our great community.



Program designed to teach students decision making for safe and healthy living. The D.A.R.E. Program begins in January for students of the sixth grade.

Please email D.A.R.E. Captain Dan Bell for any questions.


Citizens Police Academy

Students graduate with a greater knowledge of the Topsfield Police Department and individual officers. Students also learn about criminal, motor vehicle, and firearms Laws. Students engaged in scenarios to gain a greater understanding of the pressure police officers face in specific situations.

If you are interested in attending the Citizens Police Academy, please contact Det. Sgt. Brendan Gahagan at 978-887-6533 ext. 5110 or e-mail for more information.



Prescription Drug Drop Off

The Drug Take Back program aims to provide a safe and convenient way to dispose of prescription drugs. TPD has a drop off box inside the lobby of the police station and residents are encouraged to utilize it to dispose of prescription drugs. This past year, with the help of the community, TPD turned in 190 pounds of prescription drugs to be destroyed.

If you have old or unwanted prescribed medications, we offer safe disposal at our police department. Our drop box is located in the lobby of our station and is available 24/7.


Coffee with a Cop

Event to discuss community issues and build relationships over a cup of coffee. Coffee with a Cop is a unique opportunity for members of the community to ask questions and learn more about our officers. Coffee with a Cop breaks down barriers and allows a one-on-one interaction between members of the community and our officers.

Check our calendar for upcoming dates for Coffee with a Cop.

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The Topsfield Police Relief Association hosts Movie Night annually in September on the Topsfield Commons.



Stuff a Cruiser

Look out for our cruiser during special events! We ask for donations of non-perishables for the Topsfield Food Pantry. We will send out notifications when our cruiser will be out seeking donations.

Check our calendar for upcoming dates for our Stuff a Cruiser.


The Topsfield Police Department proudly supports the Special Olympics of Massachusetts, Home Base, and Cops for Kids with Cancer.

Officers are constantly engaged with the community and developing new ideas and events to exceed expectations for community service each year. Officers selflessly serve and protect to maintain the incredible community of Topsfield.